MAC Address
Media Access Control Address
इसे Ethenet/Burn -in/Physical Address भी कहा जाता है। MAC कभी बदल नही सकता यह स्थाई प्रवृत्ति का होता है। यह 12 Digit तथा 48 bit का होता है जो Hexadecimal में होता है। First 6 Digit, Organizational Unique Identifier (Manufacturer) को indicate करता है। Last 6 Digit (Network Interface Card or Device No) को indicate करता है।
Note:- Laser Printer, MAC Address, GUI Feature को विकसित Xerox Park कंपनी ने किया है। यह कंपनी अमेरिका के कैलिफोर्निया में अवस्थित है। अभी इस कंपनी का नाम PARC है।
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) – यह IP Address को MAC Address में Convert करती है।
DNS (Domain Name System) –It Converts Domain Name to IP Address.
💕 Dvice Tracking.
💕 Network Building (Blutooth, Wi Fi).
💕 Detect Unknown Device In Network.
Difference Between MAC & IP
👊 MAC identifies a device on the same Local Area Network whereas IP address identifies a device globally.
👊 MAC is unique. It Only Changes When We Change NIC Card (LAN Card). but IP address can be changed at any time (as location change aur ISP change)
👊 MAC is layer address in OSI model whereas IP address is layer 3 address.
👊 MAC is called physical address where is IP address is called logical address
👊 MAC is denoted by 12 digit grouped into 2/3 pairs separated by (-/:/.).whereas ipv4 IP address is denoted by 4 octet seperated by (.) and IPv6 IP address is denoted by 8 octet seperated by (:)
👊 MAC 42 BIT (6 Byte) का होता है। वही IPV 4 IP Address 32 bit (4 byte) का तथा IPV 6 128 bit (16 Byte) का होता है।
👊 MAC is hardcoded into the device while manufacturing by manufacturer where has IP address is assigned to a device through software configuration.
👊 ISP provides IP address where is NIC manufacturer provides MAC address.
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